The Mobile Phone!

30 Jan

Oh dear, Eygpt’s on the boil, and the President, Mubarak seems completely out of touch with what’s going on around him. All indications are that this will not end well. We’ve had our eye on Egypt for a long time, we have many Egyptians here in Kenyan and the situation is very turn-of-the-century Russia.

There is massive wealth in Egypt…you have to see it to believe it. That’s for the very few. The rest not only have to make do with hand-outs (really) but have to SHUT UP.

Unfortunately, this situation, un-like Tunisia, is going to end in tragedy. Kenyans know Mubarak. He’s threatened to Invade if we can’t guarantee the source of the Nile. He should just have asked.

We’re building dams.

Anyway that was my days rant, on with the topic.


My mobile(s)!

Look carefully at the picture of the rioting above and you’ll see that the young man is carrying a mobile phone, looks like a nokia 5310.

In 1999, my sister got married in Uganda and I bought a Nokia 7210 to take with me so that I’d be useful. I had no idea what I was buying but I had money in my pocket, and the phone was really cute and I spent $400 bucks on it.

Never looked back. The prices of phone-calls was very high back then but that didn’t detract me. Not only could I call from where I was but the phone made me look good. I mean really good. Getting to know me? Show me your phone.

Soon after, I bought a Sony Ericsson T29, and suddenly I was on the net! It’s funny to think back…the screen was only large enough to get a few lines of text…twitter style…and yet, there I was, a walking office.

I’ve had many mobiles since…I actually wrote a poem about one of them! Sigh.

I’m a design freak, and this was one heck of a good-looking phone. With cars, I’m a whimp, so the car’s gotta look good, even if it only has a dinky engine in it, but with mobiles, they gotta be smart too.

Without the mobile, I’d never have discovered the net beyond e-mail. I have four at the moment, and fixing to buy another.

I will pace all over the city, mull over hundreds of pages of internet, check and cross-check specs, I will skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, I will identify, target and swoop with intent, I will love that phone, sleep with that phone.

Ya. I sleep with my phones. Under my pillow.

Mess with my phones, be ready to rumble.

I throw a mean high-heel.

-visit my poetry blog, Tomatoes, Oranges & Other Fruit

photos – Abdullah Dalash for Reuters on Totally Cool Pix &

1 Comment

Posted by on January 30, 2011 in postaday2011, Uncategorized



One response to “The Mobile Phone!

  1. lesleehare

    January 31, 2011 at 00:31

    How, how to comment on a post like this… my reactions range from heartsick sadness over oppression to a light-hearted chuckle over the heels! And feeling almost embarrassed to acknowledge that I’d prefer to see you hurtle a heel over watch videos of tragic rioting any day… In choosing to end on the high note, I have to add, Kolembo: I thought only American Southerners used the phrase “fixing to…” Ooh, I’m feeling quite cosmopolitan, now! Thank you for the smile, my friend!


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